Mango delight

Mango Delight
Mango Delight

A delightful dessert with the pulpiness of mango merged beautifully with lush cream that simply melts in your mouth.

1½ ounce thick cream
4 dsp honey
Half a lemon's peel, scraped
2 tbsp lemon juice

5 mangoes

4 tsp honey
Juice of half a lemon

Pudina leaves, to garnish

Beat the cream until it raises and becomes fluffy
Add the ingredients under (2) namely, honey, lemon peel and lemon juice, and with a smaller wooden ladle, fold the mixture well and keep aside
Beat the pulp of four mangoes and keep aside. Slice the one remaining mango into small pieces
Add (4), namely, honey and juice of lemon to the mashed mango pulp. Also add ¾ of the sliced mango and fold well
Take either long glasses or pudding bowls, and add the mango pulp to them. Layer the cream over each of them
Add the remaining mango slices on top of the glass, garnish with pudina leaves
Serve chilled

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