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Last Updated Monday November 30 2020 06:07 PM IST

Singer Chitra makes maiden visit to Sabarimala | Video

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Singer Chitra makes maiden visit to Sabarimala Chitra said she was elated to experience the trek to the hilly shrine which she had seen only on television.

Veteran singer Chitra made her maiden visit to Sabarimala on Saturday. The singer reached Sabarimala by evening and visited the shrines of Lord Ayyappa and Malikappuram. She had reached the shrine to receive the Harivarasanam Award.

It was a soulful moment for Chitra, who has rendered innumerable devotional songs of Lord Ayyappa.

Chitra said she was elated to experience the trek to the hilly shrine which she had seen only on television. Chitra was also accompanied by her kin.

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