Unni Mukundan's much-awaited Chanakyathanthram, directed by Kannan Thamarakkulam, has finally hit the theatres. The movie, which presents Unni Mukundan as the 'action king' of Mollywood, doesn't offer anything much in its final cut.
The film starts off with a nerve-racking accident sequence. It develops through protagonist Arjun (Unni Mukundan), a private detective with the agency 'Hawks Eye', and his probe into the lives of four businessmen and an orphaned girl, Andrea (Sruthi Ramachandran). Eventually, everyone except the girl who were the subjects of Arjun's investigation die in separate accidents. This makes Arjun concerned about the client his agency is working for. He, then, realises that the next target would be Andrea, with whom he has developed a relationship. How the mystery unravels form the crux of the plot. However, the movie, supposed to be an action-packed suspense-thriller, fails to impress the viewers.
The film had earlier garnered attention after the production team released a video of Unni Mukundan's makeover as a beautiful woman. Unni Mukundan comes in four different appearances as his job demands, including his much appreciated 'Mallu Singh' looks. Sadly, there is nothing much to write home about.
Though the movie had a lot of potential to exploit Unni Mukundan's powerful action skills, the two action scenes are cliched. On the other hand, Anoop Menon, who plays the role of a decorated police officer, is at his best.
The movie also has Sshivada (Irene) as Arjun's boss, Hareesh Kanaran (Avinash) as the sidekick of Arjun, and Vinaya Prasad as Irene's adoptive mother.
Rating: 2.5/5