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Last Updated Monday November 30 2020 01:35 PM IST

'Poomaram' review: a poetic bloom in Malayalam

Jyothisha V J
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Kalidas-starrer 'Poomaram': quick review 'Poomaram' was one of the most awaited Malayalam films in recent years.

Ending the year-long wait Abrid Shine's much-awaited Poomaram has finally met the spring.

An intensely delightful lyrical treat, Poomaram is a poetic bloom.

Kalidas Jayaram has hit the right note with his poise. Ajish Dasan's poetry is promising and nostalgic.

Without doubt, Poomaram heralds the spring of craft, concept and talent we have been waiting for in Malayalam cinema.

The narrative and scenes, set in the backdrop of an arts festival with a vibrant young crowd vying for the best, have been crafted well with natural light.

The prose breaks into a poem seamlessly and the movie rolls on a free-flowing script, infusing an element of lingering freshness.


The plot is as close to life as cinema could be, dumping a cliched trajectory.

The camera has picked up the best on offer in a medley like an arts fest.

The movie lets you have no guesses and there are no heroes who descend from the heavens with superhuman capabilities, but lures the viewer to the sheer allure of human existence.

Poomaram boasts of a perspective and vision and a host of talents that Abrid has discovered.

The initial hiccups in the dialogue delivery smoothens out well towards the end.

Insightful, Poomaram is an elevation of art, a dollop of spring.

Rating: 3.5/5

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