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Last Updated Saturday November 21 2020 07:32 AM IST

After 'Doctor Strange', Benedict Cumberbatch struggling to fit into 'Sherlock'

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After 'Doctor Strange', Benedict Cumberbatch struggling to fit into 'Sherlock' Benedict Cumberbatch plays 'Sherlock' in the TV series of the same name

London: Benedict Cumberbatch bulked up for his role in "Doctor Strange, but the actor says post the film he had to shed a lot of kilos for his part in "Sherlock".

The British star said he had no time for a break between wrapping on the Marvel film and returning to 'Sherlock' and it was a tough task for him to lose weight, reported Digital Spy.

"I finished on 'Doctor Strange' and, that night, I got on a plane. The next morning, I woke up and was driven to Cardiff.

"I was not in 'Sherlock' shape. I was in 'Doctor Strange' shape so I was quite big! I was chunky - in a healthy way, an athletic way - and he's not necessarily, Sherlock," Cumberbatch said.

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