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Last Updated Sunday November 29 2020 05:49 PM IST

Sachin the next 'Doctor Strange'? Could be, says Cumberbatch

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Sachin the next 'Doctor Strange'? Could be, says Cumberbatch This is how Sachin would look like as Doctor Strange.

Singapore: Yes, you read it right! The God of cricket, Sachin Tendulkar, could "well fit in the role as the Doctor Strange," says actor Benedict Cumberbatch. The British star spoke about it when he met former Australian pace bowler Brett Lee during the Avengers: Infinity War press tour in Singapore.

When quizzed on cricket, Cumberbatch said, "(Former England opener) Graham Gooch was my hero when growing up. I loved playing cricket and because I was a wicketkeeper, I had my eye on Jack Russell."

Sachin the next 'Doctor Strange'? Could be, says Cumberbatch

Lee asked Cumberbatch for his views on who would best fit the role of Doctor Strange to which he replied: "Sachin Tendulkar would do quite well in fitting the role as Doctor Strange as he is quite extraordinary."

Cumberbatch plays the role of Doctor Strange in Marvel Cinematic Universe. His character is a wizard and holds in his possession the Time Stone, one of the Infinity Stones that the villain Thanos is after.

Sachin the next 'Doctor Strange'? Could be, says Cumberbatch

According to the Marvel Studios, the Avengers: Infinity War will "bring to the screen the ultimate, deadliest showdown of all time."

The interview will be aired on the Star Sports Network as part of Kent Cricket Live on April 22. The Avengers: Infinity War is set to release in India on April 27.

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