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Last Updated Wednesday December 02 2020 06:51 PM IST

Here's the new executive body of AMMA

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AMMA, the association of Malayalam film actors, has organised a new executive committee. The announcement was officially made by outgoing chief Innocent at the event.

Mohanlal, who had served as its general secretary for 9 years and vice-president for 3 years, has been elevated to the role of president replacing actor Innocent.

The executive committee

» President- Mohanlal

» Secretary- Siddhique

»Deputy Secretary- Mukesh, Ganesh Kumar

» General Secretary- Edavela Babu


» Other executive members:

Indrans, Baburaj, Asif Ali, Honey Rose, Aju Varghese, Jayasurya, Rachana Narayankutty, Swetha Menon, Muthumani, Sudheer Karamana, Tini Tom and Unni Shivapal.

The new executive committee will lead AMMA for a three-year term 2018-2021. The body has 460 members.

For the first time, the executive committee meeting was held without the presence of media.

The official Facebook page of AMMA released videos about the event.

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