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Last Updated Monday November 30 2020 01:35 PM IST

Will AMMA apologise to Thilakan? Aashiq Abu

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It seems Malayalam cinema industry is split over AMMA's decision to take actor Dileep back in the association.

After the WCC, Women in Cinema Collective, slammed the association, now director Aashiq Abu has taken a dig at AMMA's stand.

Expressing his strong disapproval against AMMA, Aashiq Abu went back in time and talked about actor Thilakan who was expelled till death.

His post saw a photo of actor Thilakan along with a note, which can be translated as, “He was not an accused in any criminal case, yet he was expelled from the association by the kingpings of the industry. Will AMMA apologise to Thilakan for expelling him on charges of expressing his opinion?”

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