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Last Updated Wednesday December 02 2020 09:17 PM IST

Vijay fangirl from Kerala left speechless before her hero

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Tamil superstar Vijay has a huge fan base in Kerala as well. And if you wonder there are only boys who run to theatres to watch the first day, first show of Vijay movies, then you are mistaken.

Saranya Visakh, a Thiruvananthapuram native, recently met 'Illayathalapathy' Vijay in Chennai. After meeting the star, she could hardly bear the excietment and took to Facebook to share her experience.

“His face has been in my heart since a young age. I used to wonder how would I ever meet him and talk to him. Even till the day I die, I won't be able to admire someone else like Vijay annan. Many have often teased and ridiculed me calling me a crazy Vijay fan. Now this is my answer to all of them. Annan himself had once said that if one wants to board a train, then one has to wait at the platform for quite some time. I waited for years and now I have finally met him.

To all Annan haters, let me tell you to meet him once. I feel proud to call myself a fan of a person like him without any star status. The moment I met him, I was at a loss for words. All he did was he held my hand and asked me to look at the camera. And I just wished him advance happy birthday.

The sad part about the meeting is that it lasted only for seven seconds,” she wrote in the Facebook post.

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