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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 10:11 AM IST

Falling into 'well' video: actress Rajalakshmi says not worried about threat messages

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Falling into 'well' video: actress Rajalakshmi says not worried about threat messages Rajalakshmi, actress in the movie 'Veembu'

Yesteryear theatre artiste Rajalakshmi, who is the subject of a recent viral video showing her falling into a well, has clarified that it was shot as part of a film sequence.

Responding to a query from Onmanorama, she said the visuals were a part of a new Malayalam film Veembu, which was earlier titled Randayiyrathi Pathineezhile Oru Kinavu.

The film's name was changed as per the wish of its cinematographer, Vivian, (originally named Vishnu) who had died while the shoot was in progress.

Rajalakshmi, who is seen falling into the well in the visuals which went viral on social media, faced threats for 'being part of a falsified video'.

“I am not at all worried about such threats as it was not intended to deceive any one. It was just a part of a film posted online,” she said. She also also cited so many online posts which faked claims of deaths of prominent actors.

Rajalakshmi said the lead actors of the film and others had lauded her performance. The crew had taken enough precaution prior to the well shot involving her, she revealed.

Radhakrishnan V, the director of Veembu, has been using the name Vivian Radhakrishnan in the opening credits of the film as a tribute to the deceased cinematographer Vivian.

Read More: Forgotten theater artist Rajalakshmi gains footing in film by youngsters

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