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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 11:13 AM IST

Short film showcasing Idukki’s charm wins hearts

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Short film showcasing Idukki’s charm wins hearts Manu Augustine who hails from Thodupuzha has penned the movie directed by Akhil Das.

A short film titled High Range unveiling the incredible beauty of Idukki is becoming viral on social media.

The beauty of high range captured in frames of the short is breathtakingly magical.

It's sort of a travel movie by a group of youngsters from Thodupuzha.

In the short film, a photographer sets out on a journey to Idukki in search of the place where God himself would take form in the beauteous forms of nature around.

High Range portrays the photographer's dreams and journeys and his insatiable desire to capture the beautiful nature in his camera.

The pristine waterfalls, misty mountains and the unending greenery in Idukki too become characters in this short film.

Manu Augustine who hails from Thodupuzha has penned the movie directed by Akhil Das. Sharath S Syam and Monson Kurien essay the lead roles in High Range.

Cinematographer Shani Thodupuzha has captured the amazing beauty of the lush ranges in his camera.

Two poems written by Joy Thammal too have been included in this short film which won the award for the second best short film at the Thodupuzha Film Festival.

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