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Last Updated Wednesday November 11 2020 03:14 PM IST

Wayanad Civil Station in the grip of Monkey Menace

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Wayanad Civil Station in the grip of Monkey Menace

Kalpatta: Wayanad Civil Station is in the grip of a monkey menace. The number of monkey population around the Civil Station has risen in the recent times. Monkeys have started to enter the offices, defecate inside the cabins, attack the staff and snatch food from their hands.

A day ago two monkeys had drowned in the Collectorate water tank.

More alarmingly the monkeys consume the plastic garbage bags dumped in the civil station yard. The civil station premise is strewn with garbage piles. The monkeys eat the plastic packets and covers used to carry food. Consumption of plastic is fatal as it is not digested. Civil station authorities have regularly raised the issue with the Forest Department. There was an attempt to trap the monkeys and release them in the forest but that program was abandoned quickly.

The situation, even though grievous, has not grabbed the attention of the Forest Department or animal-lovers in spite of repeated complaints.

Read: Wayanad News | Kerala News

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