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Last Updated Monday November 23 2020 09:12 PM IST

Charred body found in storehouse likely to be of missing man

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Charred body found in storehouse Forensic experts inspecting remains of the charred body found in a storehouse in Kalloopara.

Kalloopara: A completely burnt human body was found in a room used for storing wood meant for construction, near Karuthavadasserikadavu Bridge. Early in the morning, locals had noticed smoke emerging from the room built of concrete. They immediately doused the fire but the door and two windows had been destroyed in the fire. Finding bones under the wood, they informed the police.

The body had been completely burnt and could not be identified. Forensic experts soon reached the spot and collected evidence. The bones were taken for expert analysis. The Keezhvaypoor police had recently received a complaint that a man was missing.

Police suspect that the body belongs to him, considering the circumstantial evidence. The number of the torch found in the room and the charger matched with that of the missing man. Keezhvaypoor police inspector K Salim and SI P S Dharmajith inspected the spot.   

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