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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 06:27 AM IST

Nod for Kochi Metro to start commercial services on 5km

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Nod for Kochi metro to start commercial services on 5km

Kochi: The Commissioner of Metro Rail Safety (CMRS) on Wednesday granted approval to Kochi Metro for starting commercial services on a five km stretch between Palarivattom and Maharaja's College section.

The stretch covering areas in the Kochi city is part of Kochi Metro's Phase 1 launched by prime minister Narendra Modi in June this year.

"KMRL has got the clearance from CMRS for the revenue operation of Palarivattom-Maharajas stretch of Kochi Metro," a KMRL spokesperson said.

The CMRS nod for commercial operations was given after inspection of the stretch from Palarivattom to Maharajas station by CMRS team.

They checked all the technical and safety aspects and commuter facilities at stations, she said.

The trial run in the Palarivattom-Maharaja's College Ground corridor was conducted in July.

Integrated trials involving more than one train was conducted in August.

The stretch would be opened for commercial operations before the commencement of FIFA U-17 football matches next month.

Kochi is a venue for the match.

Dedicating the first phase of Kochi Metro to the nation, prime minister Modi had taken a brief ride in it and hailed its "several significant features", especially employment to transgenders and women.

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