Want to learn more about UAE visa services? Head to this expo

Lots of services like the customer community network, golden visa, entry permit services, video calling, identity, information about citizenship, residency visa procedure and advisory services for migration laws too would be accessible at the exhibition. Photo: iStock/suiwuya

Dubai: The General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) will conduct a special campaign program at the Wafi Mall here from June 24 – 28 to create awareness about the various visa services offered by it. The program will be held as part of the extensive campaign drive ‘For you, we are here’. Details about the various kinds of visas and how to apply for them will be shared at the campaign which will be held from 10 am to 10 pm. The campaign has been launched to improve customer knowledge of the residents and visitors in Dubai as well as to introduce a spectacular series of services of global standards offered by the GDRFA.

Lots of services like the customer community network, golden visa, entry permit services, video calling, identity, information about citizenship, residency visa procedure and advisory services for migration laws too would be accessible at the exhibition. The public would be given detailed explanations of these services as well as instructions about how to apply for these without any hassle. Besides, the customers would have fabulous opportunities to win exciting prizes and take part in many interactive programs. It is also a venue for children to showcase their artistic talent. The presence of famous cartoon characters Salem and Salama would be the highlight of this segment. 

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