Luxury box to be introduced for this year's Nehru Trophy Boat Race: Ticket price and more

Over two lakh spectators are expected for the 70th annual Nehru Trophy Boat Race to be held on Punnamada Lake on August 10 this year. File Photo

Alappuzha: A luxury box will be introduced in the pavilion to watch the Nehru Trophy Boat Race. This was decided during the general body meeting of the NTBR (Nehru Trophy Boat Race) Society held at the district collectorate on Friday. The ticket price for the Luxury Box has been fixed at Rs 10,000 per head. Family tickets will be made available for Rs 25,000 (three persons). A person can enjoy the boat race from the luxury box with all the latest comfort and amenities, the organisers said. Other options for spectators to watch the boat race are the Tourist Gold Nehru Pavilion (Rs 3000), Tourist Silver Nehru Pavilion (Rs 2500), Rose Corner (Rs 1500), Victory Lane Wooden Gallery (Rs 500), All View Wooden Gallery (Rs 300), Lake View Gold Wooden Gallery (Rs 200) and Lawn (Rs 100).
Over two lakh spectators are expected for the 70th annual Nehru Trophy Boat Race to be held on Punnamada Lake on August 10 this year. An amount of Rs 2.45 Crore has been allocated for organising this year's boat race. Bonus for clubs and maintenance grants for owners have been increased by 10 per cent. The Society expects to earn back Rs 80 Lakh from ticket sales, Rs 60 Lakh through sponsorships and Rs 1 Crore as a share from the state tourism department. 

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