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Last Updated Wednesday November 18 2020 08:24 PM IST

US stealth bombers hit Islamic State camps in Libya

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US stealth bombers hit Islamic State camps in Libya A B-2 Spirit bomber, center, flies with two F-117A Nighthawks. File/getty

Two B2 stealth bombers belonging to the US Air Force struck Islamic State camps in Libya reported the Washington post.

The attack comes less than a month after pentagon declared an end to the extended air campaign.

The operation was approved by outgoing president Barack Obama, said Pentagon press secretary, Peter Cook.

The aircraft dropped over a 100 bombs and hit two IS camps southwest of Sirte, according to Cook.

US defense secretary Ashton B Carter told reporters that the attack was 'critically important' in dealing with the IS threat.

After initial bombarding by the two B-2s, MQ-9 armed drones used Hellfire missiles to hit the remaining targets.

The US government has launched over 500 airstrikes against the IS fighters under Operation Odyssey Lightning.

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