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Last Updated Monday November 23 2020 01:14 PM IST

It's 'tortoise vs hare' again and see who won | Video

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Tortoise vs Hare A video of the race was posted on the Twitter handle of Shangagiist, a news website.

The centuries-old story of the race between a tortoise and hare, and the famed victory of the slow-moving reptile is regarded as the most inspirational of all tales.

The Aesop's fable was put to test by a group of people in Thailand recently. And as this happens to be the 21st century, a proper race track was laid down for the two contestants and the whole event was recorded too. A video of the race was posted on the Twitter handle of Shangagiist, a news website.

The whistle goes and both the contestants are released on to the track. Hare dashes forth but half-way through pauses and looks around, probably distracted by the loud cheers from the audience. However, unperturbed by the race or the cheers, our little friend with a shell moved forth step by step. All this while, our dashing hare is seen looking all round without moving forward.

And the Aesop's fable stands the test of time and wins too.

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