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Last Updated Wednesday November 18 2020 11:29 PM IST

Trump slammed over 'botched' facts about Michael Jackson

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MJ and Trump Michael Jackson (Left) and Donald Trump

Los Angeles: Singer Jermaine Jackson is not happy about recent remarks that presidential candidate Donald Trump made about his late brother and legendary singer Michael Jackson.

Trump had said hat he knew “the real story" of the King of Pop.

Michael died at age 50 in 2009 from an overdose of the anaesthetic propofol, administered by his private doctor, who served two years in jail for involuntary manslaughter.

Trump, 69, had said that the singer was a "very good friend" who lived in his Trump Tower in New York City for a "long period of time."

"He was an unbelievably talented guy. He lost his confidence. He lost tremendous confidence because of, honestly, bad, bad, bad surgery. You know, believe it or not, when you lose your confidence in something, you can even lose your talent. He had people that did numbers on him that were just unbelievable, facially, and, you know, the plastic surgeons," he added.

Here is how Jermaine Jackson reacted to Trump's statements:

Trump has not responded to Jermaine.

(With agency inputs)

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