A little baby sleeps blissfully resting her head on a motorbike glove with a helmet by her side. The innocent and very much adorable photo has a heart-melting tale behind it.
This is baby Aubrey and the bike accessories seen next to her belonged to her daddy, who sadly never saw his daughter.

A passionate bike rider, her father often talked about having a photo-shoot done for his soon-to-arrive princess. But Hector was shot dead by someone he taught was his 'friend', said the www.gofundme.com that was set-up to raise donations for this baby girl.
Aubrey's parents weren't legally married, denying widow pension to her mother, Kathryn.

Despite the financial odds against her, Kathryn approached her neighbour Kim Stone, who agreed for the said task. It's credit to this photographer that the adorable photos of Baby Aubrey ooze innocence, taking the Internet by a storm. The photo of the baby posted by Kim on Facebook has already been shared for over 79,000 times.