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Last Updated Wednesday November 18 2020 06:26 PM IST

Security scare at White House again: man with suspicious package in custody

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Security scare at White House again: man with suspicious package in custody A restricted area sign is seen outside of the White House in Washington November 27, 2015. Reuters/File photo

Washington: Tours were suspended at the White House Tuesday and the Secret Service established a 'security perimeter' after a man with a suspicious package approached a Secret Service officer near the presidential mansion, a spokeswoman said.

The unidentified man was taken into custody and explosive disposal teams were on the scene, Secret Service spokeswoman Cathy Milhoan told reporters in the White House briefing room.

The package was being inspected, she said.

"We separated the individual and the package. He is now in Secret Service custody," she said.

"We established a security perimeter, so the media was moved in here and East Wing tours were temporarily suspended. All other activity in the White House continues as normal," she added.

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