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Last Updated Monday November 16 2020 09:52 AM IST

Round-up: Jats put a chokehold on the national capital

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Jat stir

The Jats of Haryana, who were on a marauding expedition in Delhi, has finally put an end to their agitation after assurances from the BJP government that they too will get a slice of the reservation pie.

The eight-day stir has left 11 people dead and over 150 injured. According to official data, the agitation has cost around Rs 20,000 crore till now.

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The protest had severely affected vehicular movement between Haryana and its neighbouring states. More than 1,000 trains were cancelled and many state transport corporations had stopped their bus service to and from Haryana. In the process, the protestors disconnected Delhi from other north Indian states.

The agitation took a different turn altogether when the Jat students of the Delhi Universities joined the protest and staged a rally in solidarity with the caste unrest.

The protestors even blocked water supply to Delhi from Munak canal and eventually, all major water treatment plants in the city were shut down, triggering an acute water crisis in the city.

Haryana's Jat community, which constitutes nearly 30 percent of the state's electorate, have been pressing for reservation for the past several years. While 25 percent of the Jats in Haryana are Hindus, 4 percent consists of the Sikhs and one percent are Muslims.

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