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Last Updated Saturday November 21 2020 02:35 PM IST

Dear, you should think twice before calling Smriti Irani 'dear'

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smriti-irani-bathery Smriti Irani. File photo

Patna: Union HRD minister Smriti Irani and Bihar education minister Ashok Choudhary were on Tuesday locked in a war of words over the latter addressing her as "dear".

"Dear@smritiraniji, when will we get new Education policy..? when will year 2015 end in your calender..?" Choudhary wrote in his twitter account.

But, the use of the word "dear" did not go down well with the Union HRD minister.

"Mahilaon ko 'dear' keh ke kab se sambodhit karne lage Ashokji?" Irani replied in her tweet message.

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Choudhary answered to her objection by another message on his micro blogging site.

"Not to disrespect but educate...professional email start with "dear". smritiraniji kabhi mudde pe jawab dijiye, don't circle around it," Chowdhary replied.

"@AshokChoudhaary all my communications to you or any other person start with 'adarniya', but since you are now communicating allow me 1/3," Irani said in another tweet.

On the Bihar education minister's query about the new education policy she replied "@AshokChoudhaary have not received state views on education policy neither did you in your 1 on 1 meeting with me give any suggestions 3/3."

The war of words with the Bihar Education Minister came on a day when she was on a visit to Bhagalpur in connection with "Vikash Parv" observed by NDA on completion of two years in the office.

Ashok Choudhary is also the state president of Congress.

(With agency inputs)

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