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Last Updated Monday November 16 2020 12:15 AM IST

'Police organised wedding of Naxalite accused in Raipur'

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Raipur:The main opposition Congress here today alleged that Chhattisgarh police organised the wedding of Naxalites accused in the Jiram Valley attack of 2013 in the state, a charge denied by officials.

The leader of opposition in the Assembly, T.M. Singhdev, told reporters here that police in the Bastar district headquarters had organised the wedding of the accused in the Jiram Valley attack.

Slamming the alleged move, he asked whether the Naxalites were "being rewarded" through such actions.

"This was an irresponsible action on the part of police and the state government. It is condemnable," he charged.

"Innocent and unarmed people were killed in the Jiram attack. Nobody who was involved in the attack deserves any sympathy," added Singhdev.

The Jiram Valley attack was carried out by Naxals on May 25, 2013, in Darbha in Bastar. A total of 31 people, including top Congress leaders in the state, were killed in the attack.

Further slamming the ruling BJP, Singhdev charged that those involved in the attack were being "rewarded with their wedding being organised while surrendered Naxalites have been given government jobs".

"How can a government be so irresponsible and insensitive? Congress party wants to ask (Chief Minister) Raman Singh and his government whether these Naxalites are being rewarded for attacking Congress leaders," he said.

Meanwhile, IG Dipanshu Kabra said that while former Naxalite Podiyami Laxman's marriage was organised by Bastar police with Kosi Markam, a surrendered ultra, on January 16, police officials in Bastar have told him that the duo were not involved in the Jiram attack

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