


Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 03:30 AM IST

Cyclone Vardah effect: Life limps back to normalcy | Story in points

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» Cyclone Vardah has crossed Chennai and 9 (7 in Tamil Nadu and 2 in Andhra Pradesh) people were reportedly killed in the storm

» Vardah lost intensity and became deep depression as it crossed Chennai en route Karnataka

» Airports in Tirupati and Chennai began operations on Tuesday

» Schools and Colleges in Chennai were given holiday Tuesday we well  

» No major loss of life or property has been reported from Andhra Pradesh.

On Monday

» About 8,000 people from low-lying areas in north Chennai, Pazhaverkadu in Tiruvallur district and villages off Mamallapuram in Kanchipuram district were safely evacuated to 95 relief shelters.

» In Andhra Pradesh, over 9,400 people living along the Bay of Bengal were evacuated to relief camps amid heavy rain. 

» Most commercial establishments downed shutters in Chennai, Tiruvallur and Kancheepuram districts.

» Personnel from the National Disaster Response Force and SDRF were deployed for rescue efforts as Army was put on standby.

» Coastal regions of northern Tamil Nadu - Chennai, Tiruvallur and Kancheepuram - continue to be on high alert. .

Cyclone fury An uprooted tree blocks a road following the storm in Chennai on Monday. PTI

» Home minister Rajnath Singh spoke to chief ministers of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh to take stock of the situation.

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