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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 04:04 AM IST

Married Modi: Jashodaben says yes, Anandiben says no

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Jashodaben Jashodaben expressed surprise at the statement and said Modi was her 'Ram': Photo | IANS

Ahmedabad: Prime minister Narendra Modi's estranged wife Jashodaben on Wednesday expressed her shock over Madhya Pradesh governor Anandiben Patel's statement in a leading Gujarati daily that Modi was unmarried.

"I am surprised over Anandiben telling the press that Narendra bhai was not married (to her). He has himself mentioned in his declaration while filing papers for Lok Sabha elections in 2004 that he is married and mentioned my name in it," Jashodaben read out a statement in a video shot from her brother Ashok Modi's mobile phone.

Jashodaben added: "It is very unbecoming of a well educated woman (Anandiben, former chief minister of Gujarat) to speak like this of a teacher (Jashodaben). Not only this, her conduct has tarnished the image of the prime minister of India. He is very respectable for me, he is Ram for me."

Speaking to IANS from their hometown Unjha in north Gujarat, her brother Ashok Modi confirmed that it was indeed Jashodaben talking in the video.

"We didn't believe this when Anandiben's statement came on social media... But this appeared on the front page of leading paper Divya Bhaskar on June 19. Now this could not be wrong.

"This is why we decided to issue a rejoinder. We together recorded a written statement that Jashodaben read out from our home cell phone," he added.

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