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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 08:57 AM IST

Newly-elected Karnataka Congress MLA dies in road accident

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Newly-elected Karnataka Congress MLA dies in road accident

Bagalkote: Former union minister and newly-elected Congress MLA Siddu Nyamagouda died in a road accident in Bagalkote district Monday early morning, a senior police official said.

Nyamagouda was on the way to his constituency Jamkhandi from Goa when the car he was travelling in tried to avoid a lorry and hit a road side parapet wall, District Superintendent of PoliceVamshikumar told PTI.

The 70-year-old lawmaker was in New Delhi and had returned to Goa by flight before he proceeded to his constituency by car, he said.

Nyamagouda had suffered severe injuries and died instantly, he said.

He is survived by wife, two sons and three daughters.

Nyamagouda was the union minister in the P V Narasimha Rao ministry in 1990-91.

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