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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 12:25 PM IST

Shopian encounter wipes out last remaining face from Burhan Wani's viral photo

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 Shopian encounter wipes out last remaining face from Burhan Wani's viral photo The picture of 10 Hizbul Mujahideen militants at an apple orchard had created a stir in the valley as they were touted by insurgent groups as 'Kashmir's new boys' who had taken up arms.

The lone surviving militant, who had appeared on a viral photo of 2015 along with slain Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani, has been killed, Army officers said.

Five Hizbul Mujahideen terrorists were killed during a fiery gunfight at Shopian on Sunday.  Top commander Saddam Hussain Padder was among the terrorists neutralised.

With Padder's killing, all 10 militants, who appeared for the first time together along with Hizbul Mujahideen's poster boy Burhan Wani in 2015, have been neutralised, the police said.

The picture of 10 Hizbul Mujahideen militants at an apple orchard had created a stir in the valley as they were touted by insurgent groups as 'Kashmir's new boys' who had taken up arms. Of the 10, Padder was the only one alive, the police said.

Padder, who hailed from Heff in Shopian region, was active since September 2014, while Malik was active since 2014 and Sheikh from 2013.

Padder and his aides were involved in a number of civilian killings and attacks on security forces besides instigating youth to join the terrorist network, police said.

The other slain terrorists were Bilal Ahmad Mohand, Adil Ahmed Malik, Tauseed Ahmad Sheikh and Mohammed Rafi Bhat, a PhD scholar and an assistant professor in the Kashmir University.

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