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Last Updated Wednesday November 18 2020 10:50 AM IST

Modi in Oman, thousands of excited Indians travel to see him

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Modi in Oman, thousands of 'excited' Indians travel to see him Prime minister Narendra Modi inspects the Guard of Honour on his arrival in Muscat, Oman. (Photo: IANS/MEA)

Muscat: Indian prime minister Narendra Modi arrived here on Sunday evening on the last leg of a visit which also took him to Jordan, Palestine and the United Arab Emirates.

"Landed in Oman. My first program is the community event at the Sultan Qaboos Sports Complex. Looking forward," the prime minister tweeted.

Thousands of Indian expats in Oman traveled from different parts of the Gulf kingdom to listen to visiting prime minister Narendra Modi.

“The 8 lakh Indians in Oman are goodwill ambassadors who have contributed to the development of the country,” said Modi.

Over 20,000 Indian nationals listened to Modi's speech at the Sultan Qaboos Stadium in Bausher on Sunday.

Ahead of the ceremony, Indian Social Club (ISC) Sohar executive committee member and general secretary M Rajesh said the excitement among the diaspora in Salalah, Sohar and Sur was palpable.

Over 1,000 people were coming down from Sohar alone, he said, adding that ISC Sohar has arranged for two buses to ferry people to and from Muscat for the event at a nominal sum.

People signed up till late on Saturday, said Rajesh, the daily reported.

"It's really exciting to be able to see the prime minister. Citizens want to see him in person. It's a great atmosphere."

Indian Social Club (ISC) Salalah chairman Manpreet Singh said that he along with 75 or so Indian expats had boarded a flight to Muscat to listen to the prime minister Modi's speech.

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