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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 08:48 PM IST

India, Israel ink nine pacts on cyber security, other sectors

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India, Israel ink nine pacts on cyber security, other sectors Prime minister Narendra Modi and his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu before a meeting at Hyderabad House in New Delhi on Monday. PTI

New Delhi: India and Israel on Monday inked nine pacts to boost cooperation in key areas, including cyber security, after prime minister Narendra Modi and his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu held extensive talks to strengthen ties in the strategic areas of defense and counter- terrorism.

Modi also invited Israeli defense companies to India for co-production in the sector.

India and Israel will strengthen the existing pillars of cooperation in areas such as agriculture, technology and security, Modi said at a joint media event with Netanyahu.

On his part, Netanyahu described Modi as a "revolutionary" leader.

"You are revolutionizing India and also relations between India and Israel," Netanyahu said, addressing Modi.

The two prime ministers, accompanied by their respective senior Cabinet colleagues, held delegation-level talks during which they also discussed regional and international issues of mutual interest.

Apart from a pact on cyber security, the agreements included cooperation in the oil and gas sector, film-co- production as well as amendments to an air transport pact.

Netanyahu, who arrived here Sunday, will also visit Ahmedabad and Mumbai during his six-day stay in India.

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