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Last Updated Wednesday November 18 2020 10:05 AM IST

Anand Prakash, crusader in Ruchika Girhotra molestation case, dies

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Ruchika Girhotra The family of Anuradha fought a brave battle to secure justice for the teenager who killed herself three years after the incident.

Panchkula: Ruchika Girhotra case petitioner Anand Prakash passed away Thursday night succumbing to prostrate cancer.

Prakash, 74, was the father of Anuradha, Ruchika's friend, and prime witness in the molestation case involving the former Harayana DGP SPS Rathore.

The man had fought a relentless battle, till the Supreme Court, seeking justice for the young girl who was molested at a tennis court by the DGP and later committed suicide as a 14-year old in 1993.

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