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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 01:28 PM IST

The cutoff mark to join the NDA government - PM's 4Ps

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The cutoff mark to join the NDA government - PM's 4Ps Prime minister Narendra Modi

New Delhi: The selection of nine new names for ministership has been done by prime minister Narendra Modi keeping in view the 4Ps -- passion, proficiency, professional and political acumen, to deliver on his vision of a new India, official sources said.

Remaining committed to his track record of identifying fellow team members on the basis of merit and future potential, they will be strategically placed in key ministries, especially focusing on last mile delivery directly to the people, they said.

The prime minister is committed to his vision of a new India, which will be built on the foundations of development and good governance, to further the cause of the poor, marginalized and the deprived segments of the society, the sources said.

The nine who will occupy ministerial berths are former IFS officer Hardeep Puri, ex-Mumbai police chief Satyapal Singh, retired IAS officer Alphons Kannanthanam, former home secretary Raj Kumar Singh, BJP MPs Ashwini Kumar Choubey (Bihar), Virendra Kumar (Madhya Pradesh), Shiv Pratap Shukla (Uttar Pradesh), Anant Kumar Hegde (Uttar Pradesh) and Gajendra Singh Shekhawat (Rajasthan).

They "come from varied walks of life, bringing in their unique professional perspective and proficiency to the Union council of ministers. Many of them also bring rich administrative and governance experience," they said.

As a part of the restructuring, six people resigned as ministers.

The sources said that having made meaningful contributions during their tenures, all of them have been important members of the council of ministers.

The prime minister has recognized and appreciated their service to the nation, they added.

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