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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 08:08 AM IST

Now, it's TMC MP's turn to embarrass Air India crew

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Dola Sen Dola Sen, center. File photo: IANS

New Delhi: In another incident of unruly behavior by an MP, TMC's Dola Sen allegedly delayed Air India's Delhi-Kolkata flight by nearly 40 minutes after an argument over seating arrangement.

The MP had booked front row seats on and had paid extra for those seats, said Air India.

But she could only be booked on emergency exit seats, which also have similar leg room.

Read also: After slap-gate MP's 'regret,' AI revokes his flight ban

When Sen boarded the plane with her wheelchair-bound mother, she was told by the cabin crew that rules do not permit wheelchair-bound passengers to sit on emergency exit seats, said Air India.

The airline said the MP didn't mention that she was being accompanied by a wheelchair-bound passenger at the time of booking tickets.

Following this, the TMC MP "shouted and screamed" at the cabin crew, the airline claimed.

This forced the pilot to come out of the cockpit, who offered business class seats to the MP's mother, but Sen declined.

Sen could not be immediately reached for comments.

Earlier in the day, Air India had revoked its flight ban on Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad with immediate effect, two weeks after he had assaulted an airline staffer onboard a plane.

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