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Last Updated Monday November 23 2020 02:37 PM IST

Signs of trouble: this is how burglars mark your house

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Do burglars have secret codes to indicate whether a property is worth targeting? Yes, say police.

Pathanamthitta SP Hari Shankar has published a list of symbols and signs used by the burglars during their ‘field works’.

The officer has translated the hidden language of criminals and shared it with the public through his official Facebook page to help stop crimes before they happen.

While some markings indicate the house is a good target or the inhabitants are wealthy or the presence of a vulnerable woman, others warn of alarm system and risks involved.

The ‘tagging’ system also allows the offenders to reconsider a house if it has ‘nothing worth stealing’.

The police chief’s post has generated an overwhelming response, with most users applauding him for sharing such an information.

A FB user named Saraladevi Kunjukrishnan came up with a hilarious response. “So is it safe to draw the last symbol on our outside wall,” commented the Rtd. ISRO scientist.

The signs are worrying because they indicate thieves are working in gangs and becoming more organized than ever.

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