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Last Updated Wednesday November 18 2020 05:07 PM IST

How Govindachamy escaped the noose in Soumya murder | Story in 5 points

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Soumya murder

» The Supreme Court set aside the death penalty sentence given to Govindachamy, a convict in the murder of Soumya, who was brutally raped and pushed off a moving train in 2011.

» The court acquitted Govindachamy of murder charges while upholding the conviction under section 376 IPC for rapen as the prosecution failed to present evidence to prove that the convict pushed Soumya off the train to the railway tracks.

» Partly allowing the appeal preferred by the accused Govindachamy, the Apex court bench comprising of justice Ranjan Gogoi, justice Prafulla C. Pant and justice Uday Umesh Lalit has sentenced him to rigorous imprisonment for seven years.

Also Read | A brief timeline of Soumya murder case

» With the latest order from Supreme Court, Govindachamy, who has only one hand, will have to spend rest of his life in jail, unless state government commutes the punishment. He has already spent 5 years and 7 months in jail and this period will be considered as part of his sentence.

» Breaking down upon hearing the news, Soumya's mother Sumathi said that she will go to any extent to get justice in the case.

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