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Last Updated Thursday November 19 2020 02:53 PM IST

Former advocate general Ratna Singh passes away

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Former advocate general Ratna Singh passes away M. Ratna Singh

Kozhikode: Former Kerala advocate general M. Ratna Singh died at a private hospital here on Monday. He was 92.

He is survived by his wife, three daughters and a son.

Singh, who was also Malayalam daily Mathrubhumi's director, had been undergoing treatment for kidney ailment at a private hospital here for some time.

He breathed his last around 1.45 pm, said a Public Relations Department statement.

An expert in criminal law, Singh had also served as senior standing counsel of the central government as Director General of Prosecutions from 1991 to 1996.

He was a recipient of Sree Narayana world convention and global award.

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