


Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 12:50 AM IST

Bishop Sam Mathew passes away

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Bishop Sam Mathew

CSI Madhya Kerala diocese former bishop, Dr Sam Mathew, has died at the age of 80. A former president of the Kerala Council of Churches, he was one of the shepherds of the ecumenical movement and a crusader for the cause of prohibition.

Dr Sam Mathew died around 4:30 pm on Saturday after prolonged hospitalisation at the Manganam Mandiram Hospital. He was leading a retired life at his house at Valiyathottam.

His funeral will be held at the CSI Holy Trinity Cathedral in Kottayam at 11 am on Wednesday.

Dr Sam Mathew was born to V M Mathai and Mariamma at Kodukulanji at Chengannur on October 8, 1936. He is survived by wife Kunjamma of Vettasseril family from Keezhvaypur and children Christy Sam Mathew, Santhi S Mathew and Annie S Mathew (CSI Vocational Higher Secondary School at Thiruvalla).

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