


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 03:52 AM IST

Anuradha just another student, didn't enjoy any favor: Lekshmi Nair tells varsity

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Lekshmi Nair Lekshmi Nair. File photo

Thiruvananthapuram: Lekshmi Nair, who was removed as principal of the Kerala Law Academy Law College here, has denied allegations of irregularities and favoritism in awarding of internal marks and attendance to students.

In an explanation submitted to the Kerala University examination committee, Nair said she used to consider academic and non-academic activities by students such as moot court, seminars and events organized by the National Service Scheme while awarding attendance.

Nair rubbished allegations that a student named Anuradha P. Nair was awarded more marks in internal examinations as she is her son's fiancée.

Nair said she considered Anuradha as just another student of the college and she has not been granted any favors.

She said only students without adequate attendance have been barred from appearing in university exams.

The former principal also questioned the logic behind seeking an explanation from her even after she was debarred from examination-related duties by the varsity syndicate.

Earlier this month, Nair was removed as law academy principal after weeks-long protests by various student outfits with the support of political parties.

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