


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 06:03 AM IST

AISF seeks explanation from student for withdrawing case against Lekshmi Nair

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AISF seeks explanation from student for withdrawing case against Lekshmi Nair

Thiruvananthapuram: The AISF Thiruvananthapuram district committee has sought an explanation from the student leader who gave the consent to quash the criminal proceedings against Kerala Law Academy Law College former principal Lekshmi Nair in a case booked under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989.

The show-cause notice was served on AISF Law Academy Law College unit secretary V. G. Vivek who had lodged a complaint against Lekshmi Nair, accusing her of making casteist slurs. The notice asked him to respond within 24 hours. Disciplinary action will be initiated if the explanation is unsatisfactory, it added.

Meanwhile, CPI state secretary Kanam Rajendran said the complainant decided not to press the matter, any further, purely on personal grounds. “There is no change in the party’s stance on case,” he said.

Earlier, Vivek had stated that the case was withdrawn with the connivance of the party secretary.

Lekshmi Nair had filed a petition challenging the registration of the case by the Peroorkada police.

After the complainant informed the court that he did not intend to proceed with the case, Lekshmi Nair’s counsel filed an amended petition seeking quashing of the FIR registered against his client.

The High Court dismissed the case on Friday after recording the affidavit submitted by Vivek, in which he stated that he was unconditionally withdrawing the case as the disputes with the accused have been settled and in view of the restoration of peace on the campus.

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