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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 01:41 PM IST

Jesna spotted in Malappuram a month after she vanished

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Jesna Kottayam girl Jesna disappeared on March 22 as she was travelling to her paternal aunt's place in Mukkoottuthara.

Malappuram: Kerala police have received credible information that the missing college student Jesna James Maria was spotted with another girl by a few visitors to the Kottakunnu Tourism Park at Malappuram on May 3. The police team probing the case were informed that she was indeed seen, along with her companion at the popular tourist hang-out in north Kerala, from 11 am to 8 pm.

The two were carrying big baggage as if they are on a long journey, according to people who claim to have spotted them. They were seen talking with three others.

The B.Com. student was not much in the news on May 3, though she had reportedly gone missing on March 22.

Employees at the park and some social workers who had gathered there for a programme said they recognized her later only, after her photos and news about her disappearance started appearing in the media.

Jesna and her friend were wearing jeans, kurta and shawl, the witnesses said.

The state police intelligence wing visited the park to collect details. It is understood that the information has been passed on to the investigating officers.

The probe team will have to first recover CCTV visuals from the park to ascertain the veracity of the claims. The conclusion is that Jesna and her friend might have arrived at the state transport bus station and hired an auto rickshaw to reach the park through the second gate at Kottakkunnu.

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