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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 06:24 AM IST

Faux world cup set to kick off in Kerala!

Anupama Mili
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Faux world cup set to kick off in Kerala! From 2002 onward, special matches have been staged at Nainamvalappu coinciding with the quadrennial FIFA event.

Kozhikode: A faux soccer world cup of sorts is set to kick off here at a little village called Nainamvalappu. The mini soccer tournament will be held here in parallel to the real one being held in distant Russia. The crazy soccer fans, who have transformed the place into a mini 'soccerland', are even handed over a replica of the real FIFA World Cup.

From 2002 onward, special matches have been staged at Nainamvalappu coinciding with the quadrennial FIFA event. A special trophy for the event was ceremoniously released in Kozhikode in 2010 in the presence of then district collector P B Salim.

Ninamvalappu has fans for all the participating teams at the FIFA event and prior to the pre-quarter the local soccer fans' association regularly holds a miniature tournament with eight teams, with each team having four players and without a goalkeeper. This year, it is being planned to stage with teams modelled on Argentina, Brazil, Germany, France, England, Belgium, Uruguay and Spain. The day-long tournament is staged to entertain the football fans of the area.

Faux world cup set to kick off in Kerala!

“Football is not just a game here. Many social menaces like alcoholism and drug use are minimised as football matches are organised here. When youngsters are into playing football, crime rates are also brought down. As children have an interesting game on the ground, they are not keen on the mobile games,” says NV Subair, president of the Nainamvalappu Football Fans Association. The association is also involved in charity activities in the name of football.

Faux world cup set to kick off in Kerala!

The crowd at Government Lower Primary School, Nainamvalappu, in front of the big screen at the school auditorium is a testimony to Subair's statement. Almost every man of the village is here. Though the women are not active on the scene, they are well 'educated' about the teams. “By the conservative outlook of our society, our women might not be seen outside playing football. But they very well know Neymar, Messi and Ronaldo,” laughs Subair.

Faux world cup set to kick off in Kerala!

The 'world cup' replica was first made in 2002 in plaster of Paris. It got destroyed in the long run, and a new one was made out of nearly 4 kg wood, in exactly the same size of the original FIFA trophy in 2010. “The replica of the cup is not just imitation of the world cup. It is about sharing the feeling that a cup lifted in some corner of the world by the champions, also belong to us,” adds Subair.

Faux world cup set to kick off in Kerala!

The date for this year's mini tournament is yet to be announced, as all depends on the climate.

Considering the recent Nipah outbreak, the celebrations prior to the matches will be reduced this time. Respecting the environmental initiatives, the number of flex boards too have been cut down this year. Instead, flags and names of the teams are painted on the walls along the beach.

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