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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 08:44 AM IST

Juice vendor saw brawl inside ADGP's car

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Juice vendor saw brawl inside ADGP's car The police have recorded the statement of juice vendor Vyshakh (L) in connection with the ADGP daughter's alleged assault on driver Gavaskar

Thiruvananthapuram: Giving further credence to the assault case against the daughter of a senior police officer, a juice vendor here has revealed that he had observed commotion in the car driven by injured civil police officer Gavaskar.

"I had seen the ADGP's daughter and wife arriving for morning walk and then returning in the car. The vehicle then came to a halt suddenly. This was followed by a commotion," Vyshakh, a juice vendor at Kanakakkunnu, where the alleged incident happened, told Manorama News.

The police have also recorded Vyshakh's statement. However, he said he had not see the alleged assault happening. But his statements support driver Gavaskar's complaint that he was assaulted by ADGP Sudesh Kumar's daughter at Kanakakkunnu in the heart of the city.

In his complaint, civil police officer Gavaskar alleged that she had verbally abused him and hit him on his neck and shoulder with her mobile phone for delay in bringing the vehicle to pick her up after her morning walk.

A case had been registered against the woman under various sections of the IPC based on injured Gavaskar's complaint while he too was booked over her apparently fake counter-complaint.

The following day, Gavaskar's family members had met chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan who assured them of stern action on the issue.

The Kerala Police Association also came out against the alleged ill-treatment meted out to several junior policemen by senior officers after the assault came to light.

Sudesh Kumar, who was serving as the head of the Armed Police Battalion, has not been given any new posting after being removed from the post after the furore over the incident.

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