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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 01:41 PM IST

ADGP forces cops to bathe dog, do menial jobs: police driver

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ADGP forces cops to bathe dog, do menial jobs: police driver The police had ignored Gavaskar's complaint that he was assaulted by the ADGP's daughter, but proceeded with a non-bailable case after a row erupted.

Thiruvananthapuram: A police driver has come out in public against an additional director general of police (ADGP), accusing him of making police personnel do household work, even forcing them to bathe dogs.

Driver Gavaskar alleged that the wife and children of ADGP Sudesh Kumar showered abuses on employees who refused to oblige when asked to do menial jobs. “A gun was pointed at him once just because I laughed in the presence of the officer's daughter,” he told Manorama News, adding: “I was insulted about my caste.”

The ADGP had asked him to withdraw a complaint he filed against the former's daughter. “He had sent staff from his office to make the demand. I did not oblige. Hence a case has been foisted on me," Gavaskar said.

The police had ignored Gavaskar's complaint that he was assaulted by the ADGP's daughter, but proceeded with a non-bailable case after a row erupted. The daughter then filed a complaint against the driver and the police have charged him under non-bailable provisions.

More allegations

More personnel from the police force have, meanwhile, joined to air allegations against the ADGP. It has been pointed out that policeman Biju, who works at the officer's official residence, was stopped at the Special Armed Police (SAP) camp when he went there to get fish fried for Sudesh Kumar's dog. Policemen allege that it was routine practice to take fish from the ADGP's house for frying at the SAP camp. Sudesh Kumar was not available for comment.

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