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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 06:56 AM IST

Sreejith custody death: CI Crispin Sam gets conditional bail

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Sreejith custody death: CI Crispin Sam gets conditional bail The custodial torture of Sreejith took place at Varapuzha police station when Crispin was the in-charge.

Paravur: Crispin Sam, the circle inspector of Paravur, has been granted conditional bail in the Sreejith custody death case.

The investigating team told the Paravur court, which granted bail to the CI, that no evidence had been found regarding Crispin’s involvement in the murder. The court had asked the investigators whether Crispin had any role in the murder.

The court also sought to know whether, apart from illegal detention and submitting false documents before the court, the other offences Crispin has been charged would stand the scrutiny of the law. The probe team was also asked to inform the court if it wanted Crispin in custody.

Meanwhile, the court rejected the bail plea submitted by Crispin.

The custodial torture took place at Varapuzha police station when Crispin was the in-charge. However, Crispin has not been charged with the sections dealing with murder. This was after it became evident that he was not among the officers who allegedly tortured Sreejith.

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