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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 08:31 PM IST

From now on, confirmation must to write PSC exams

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From now on, confirmation must to write PSC exams

Thiruvananthapuram: A meeting of the Kerala Public Service Commission (PSC) held here has decided to introduce a rule to reduce poor attendance in the examinations conducted by it. For the exams to be held from August 15 this year, candidates should give a confirmation to the PSC that they would attend the exam. Candidates who fail to do so within the specified time period will not be allowed to sit for that particular test.

From now on, the exam calendar will be published 70 days before the test in which the dates for giving confirmation shall be given. This will be 60-40 days before the exam. Hall tickets will be sent only to candidates who give the confirmation and can be downloaded from 15 days before the exam to the day before. SMS will be sent regarding conformation, hall tickets etc. Such information will be sent to the profile also.

Facility has been arranged to ensure that the candidate has seen the profile message. The exam date and time will be given in the message. Only the confirmed candidates are to be allotted exam centres. PSC has found that only about half of the candidates who apply attend the exams conducted by it. The new measures are meant to improve the situation and save costs incurred in arranging venues.

Another decision taken by the PSC meeting is to entrust the academic committee with the task of granting grace marks for PG in the appointments of college faculty. With some IITs yet to provide the formula for equalisation of marks, the PSC is considering fresh options.

The meeting decided to appoint candidates from other backward castes in the post of higher secondary school teacher (geography) junior reserved for other Christians. This is after no eligible candidates applied for the post even after the NCA notification was issued twice.

In the medical education department, short list will be published for senior lecturer (Dheevara) in Anatomy, assistant professor in ENT and senior lecturer (Muslim) in Ophthalmology. The rank list will be published for electrician post in Municipal common service. In medical education department, the rank list for scientific assistant (electro diagnostics) will be ready soon.

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