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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 10:25 AM IST

Nature lovers in Kerala now demand a state butterfly

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Kerala raises a chorus for a state butterfly Budha Mayoori (Papilo Buddha) and Vanadevatha (Malabar Tree Nymph)

In the wake of declaring jackfruit as the official fruit of Kerala, nature lovers are rooting for a butterfly mascot for the state. The State Wildlife Advisory Board mooted the idea when it met in August 2017 in the presence of chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan. The proposal, which remained on paper for the past seven months, received a shot in the arm with jackfruit's rise to stardom.

Maharashtra was the first state in India to have a 'state butterfly' when it declared Blue Mormon (Papilio polymnestor) as its official butterfly in 2015. It is the second largest butterfly in the country by size, only behind the Southern Birdwing.

Likely contestants as state butterfly

Budha Mayoori (Papilo Buddha)

• Found in the Western Ghats, is abundant in Kerala, Karnataka, Goa and Maharshtra

• In Kerala, they are most abundant in the Malabar region

•The caterpillars use Indian Cottonwood tree as host plants

Vanadevatha (Malabar Tree Nymph or Idea Malabarica)

• Found in the Western Ghats, they are abundant in the evergreen forests of Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu etc.

• Malathi latha/Clone-scented echites is the main host plant

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