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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 05:39 PM IST

Madhu’s sister set to don the police cap

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Madhu’s sister set to don the police cap

Thiruvananthapuram/Palakkad: A month after Attappadi’s Madhu was lynched by a mob, his sister has been selected to the Kerala police. Chandrika came fifth in the rank list prepared by the Kerala Public Service Commission to fill five posts of women civil officers in Palakkad.

Chandrika is the younger sister of Madhu, the tribesman who was brutally murdered on February 22 by a group of people who accused him of stealing food. Chandrika was waiting for her turn for the PSC interview at the KILA office at Agali when she heard the tragic news.

Her husband Murukan is an employee of the economics and statistics department at Mannarkad. She has a three-year-old daughter, Anushka.

The PSC received 172 applications for the post of women civil police officers in Palakkad. Chandrika was selected through a special recruitment for tribal people. She is expected to receive the advice memo within April 5.

Chandrika said that the job comes as a major relief for the family. “My brother’s death is an unforgettable tragedy. Nothing can replace it. Still a government job would help us eke out a living,” she said.

Chandrika has been supporting her mother and sister with her job at an Anganwadi. She said that the family was grateful to everyone who stood by them in their hour of crisis.

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