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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 06:04 AM IST

Techie from neighboring state behind ATM theft?

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 ATM theft case mastermind is a techie from neighboring state The gang members were assigned the task of fixing skimmers, WIFI routers and button cameras in the ATMs, and remove them after the details of customers are stolen.

Kozhikode: An engineer from a neighboring state is suspected to be the mastermind of an hi-tech ATM theft in which the customers of Punjab National Bank's Kozhikode branch lost money from an ATM in Coimbatore.

The 'techie', who was never in Kerala for the theft, has fallen in the police net, according to sources. The techie had also deployed his team of ATM thieves in states such as Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Goa.

The gang members were assigned the task of fixing skimmers, WIFI routers and button cameras in the ATMs, and remove them after the details of customers are stolen.

Once the card details of customers are available, a fake card is made, and money is withdrawn from different ATMs in Tamil Nadu.

The gang members, who included students, were paid hefty amounts for their work.

Five police teams had conducted inquiries in Kerala, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Goa.

It was found that the customers who had withdrawn money from PNB's Vellimadukunnu, Pantheerankavu and Pallikkandi ATMs had lost their money.

The money was withdrawn on January 8 and 11 and cases were filed in Chevayur, Nallalam and Chemmangad police stations.

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