Kochi: Substantiating the police's theory that popular Malayalam actor Dileep had sore ties with the victim in the sensational actress assault case of February 17, actor-turned-politician Mukesh has revealed that he was aware of the bitter association between the two.
Mukesh's statements to the police, accessed by Manorama News, revealed that he never interfered in the issue. The Kollam MLA also said he spoked to the victim actress after the February 17 assault. Mukesh said he had phoned the victim again after calls for justice to the victim emerged. However, she said she did not have any complaint.
Mukeh admitted that the main accused in the assault case Pulsar Suni was his driver during an AMMA show in 2013, where, according to the police, the first plot to attack the actress was hatched. Mueksh said he fired Suni after his car met with an accident. According to police, Suni had also come to a hotel in Ernakulam during the AMMA show in 2013 as Mukesh's driver. However, Mukesh said Suni was not given VVIP ticket to the show. As per the police story, Suni got close to Dileep during the show and the conspiracy was hatched there.
Mukesh also told police that another driver, who was recommended by Suni, had fled with his Rs 1 lakh.
In Dileep's wife Kavya Madhavan's statement to the police also she had disclosed that her husband nursed a grudge against the young actress, who was brutally attacked in a moving car in Kochi on February 17.
According to the statement, Kavya said the victim had played a role in causing discord in Dileep's marital life with his first wife Manju Warrier, who is also a popular heroine in Malayalam cinema. Apparently, this had infuriated Dileep.
However, she did not say Dileep had any role in the heinous crime. The actress, who has also worked in Tamil and Telugu films, was abducted and assaulted inside her car for two hours on February 17 night in Kochi. Dileep was arrested on July 10 for plotting the attack and hiring goons to assault the actress and videotape the crime. Dileep is currently out on bail.
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