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Last Updated Wednesday November 18 2020 02:39 PM IST

4 Angamaly youths die as car falls into river at Udumalpet

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3 Angamaly youths die as car falls into river at Udumalpet

Palakkad: Four youths, hailing from Angamaly, died when their car nosedived into a canal attached to Parambikulam Aliyar Project in the district Sunday.

Five people from Ernakulam were returning to their natives from Munnar, when the driver lost control of the vehicle when it reached Kedimedu and plunged into a 11-foot deep canal.

While 19-year-old Alpha, of Manjapra, was rescued by an onlooker, the others drowned, the police said. The details of the deceased were not known.

The fire and rescue services personnel, with police assistance, managed to retrieve three bodies.

The youths were on their way to Pollachi from Munnar.

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